Wednesday, December 11, 2024

A slightly different take on Book Club

Heads up: This post is gonna talk about grieving and death so if this isn't your jam, please skip to when you see "In Lighter News"

So this past Friday, I got news that my half brother, who I only reconnected with last year at our dad's funeral just passed. I kinda missed what happened but he went septic and he didn't make it. It sucks, a lot.  

So mix that with my sinuses kicking my butt and I think PMS, I'm not a happy camper. Emotional status is basically I'm fine but don't try me and maybe don't leave me unsupervised with any hair clippers. It's a different type of hurt than my dad's passing because it feels unfair and we had so much we were gonna do. I also don't feel the same anger. It's weird. 

I can tell it's messing with me because I just couldn't get Book Club done today and just thought "I've taken so many breaks this year. Maybe I should just quit and give it to someone else." I'm not but still. Bleugh

In lighter news, I'm about 15% into the MF DOOM book and it's DENSE. I feel like the biographer is just naming every hip hop act in the late 80s. I could feel my eyes kinda glazing until the pieces started to connect and I got WHY. TLDR but DOOM was in the game for a while. Like, knew the guy who got ran out of Oakland because he dissed Hammer, Met Tupac when he was a dancer level of a while.

I'm still in the mid 90s though so he's still hasn't done his first album.

I'm also digging thought the youtube channel Books n Cats. I really dig her style and I've never really read the writers she talks about and sometimes she reads the short stories she discusses. So far, I've listened to her read Angela Carter and Shirley Jackson. 

Normally, I'd end this with a question but book club was already posted on BlueSky so *Shrugs*

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