Tuesday, April 26, 2022

WednesdayBookClub: A Book Club of Rain and Fire

 *Originally posted 8/26/20 on Observationdeck.kinja.com

Hello and welcome to WednesdayBookClub. My name is Geesejuggler and wow, it sure would be nice if some of that water from the hurricane and storms would just...Make its way to California. Just a little? As a treat? Still, please make sure you all are staying safe, however you can, where you are. Now that we’ve said that, let’s get started on Book Club.

This week, I devoured “10 Things I Hate About Pinky” by Sandhya Menon. It’s the book in a YA Desi rom-com series and I loved it. Planning on picking back up with These Old Shades. It’s hard for me to really roll with the book because Heyer’s writing style is a bit...off. It might be that it’s been a minute since I’ve read an older book that’s throwing me off.

What about you all? Anything good? Also, be sure to pay your respects and disrespects to the Void-O-Matic.

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The History of WednesdayBookClub

Welcome!  My name is GJ and this is my blog! This is just a quick intro/ history of for any newcomers