Tuesday, April 26, 2022

WednesdayBookClub: Home Improvement Edition

*Originally 9/30/20 on Observationdeck.kinja.com

Hello all and welcome to WednesdayBookClub! My name is Geesejuggler and tis the week of home renovations! Mom wants the house done before it gets too cold (She gets seasonal depression during the winter) so we’re making our big push now. But enough about me, let’s get started.

Once again, my rant and my book status are indeed linked. I haven’t read anything this week because I’ve had to backup my old articles on from the site I write for and before I could get my drafts, the site went down for some reason! IT is working on it now but at least I have my published ones.

In lighter news, the first part of my short story is up on my site so if you want to check it out, there it goes!

So what about you all? Anything good? Also, check out our friend, The Void-O-Matic. It’s been a rough week for us all.

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