Tuesday, April 26, 2022

WednesdayBookClub: A Writing Book Club

 *Originally posted 7/22/20 on Observationdeck.kinja.com

Hello, all and welcome to WednesdayBookClub. My name is Geesejuggler and I have to write all of the things this week. This is unfortunate because I haven’t felt like writing for the past 2 weeks but it must be done. Blugh. But that’s enough about me. Let’s get started.

This week, I haven’t read anything but a book I’ve been waiting on just released so I’ll try to zoom through the books I’ve started so I can get to that, guilt-free.

What about you all? Anything good? Also, don’t forget to check out the Void-O-Matic if you need it.

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The History of WednesdayBookClub

Welcome!  My name is GJ and this is my blog! This is just a quick intro/ history of for any newcomers