Wednesday, January 4, 2023

First Book Club of 2023!! 1/4/23

Welcome to WednesdayBookClub, everyone! I trust we're all recovered from new years. No? Good, me neither. Let's get started!!

This week, I've been listening to Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman. It's fine but the book is so fractured (So many tiny chapters, y'all) and I'm not sure if I actually enjoy it or just don't mind it being in the background. I think I'm gonna put this on ice until later.

I'm finally getting started on my ARCs and hopefully, have one finished and reviewed next weekend.

Also, with the new year here, I've finally finished my top 2022 reads list. My friend, Renay did hers and it was a great reminder that reading isn't a sport, it's for comfort and enjoyment.

So what about you all? Anything good this week?

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WednesdayBookClub: 03/05/25 Recovering

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