Tuesday, April 18, 2023

WednesdayBookClub: 4/19/23

Hello and Welcome to this week's WednesdayBookClub, everyone.  Today's book club has been sponsored by me! Cuz I'm about to plug a personal project in here

A while ago, I wrote a short story for an anthology. It took a little longer than expected but it's coming!! The Kickstarter goes live is May 1st.The theme is Saudade, a word that translates roughly to the feeling of melancholic nostalgia. Here's the link if anyone is curious about it: Saudade Kickstarter. The crew at Critical Mass RW has been amazing and I'm really proud of the work we've done. 

Now that I've done that, let's talk about books!!

I finally finished up The Mummy Case, the third Amelia Peabody book. Was it a good mystery? Meh. Was it a fun read? Goodness, yes. I loved seeing Amelia is her full Mom glory and Emerson as the doting, sappy father. Ramses is a scamp and an absolute terror. I loved how Peters saw the precocious child trope and just leaned into that crap. He's a pint-sized version of his mother. 

I'm not listening to The Strange Case of the Alchemist's Daughter by Theodora Goss. I'm about 22 percent in. I made the mistake of thinking this was going to be more a fun romp when it's so far been more moody and gothic. I'm digging it though. I'm interested in where the plot will take me, especially since I haven't officially met anyone else in the cast yet. 

I'm also gonna listen to Dial P for Poison by Zara Keane. I bought it and its next sequel a few months ago but my brain has rotted and reading is hard. 

What about you all? Anything good?

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WednesdayBookClub: 03/05/25 Recovering

 Hello and welcome back to our regularly scheduled book club! No post last week because I had a gnarly sinus infection (I didn't have co...