Tuesday, April 25, 2023

WednesdayBookClub: Happy Bloga-versary 4/26/23

Welcome to WednesdayBookClub and HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY TO THE BLOG!!  Yes, we have past the one-year mark of me realizing that running WednesdayBookClub for an actual 1/3 of my life counts as "A blog" and that I should probably back all of this up before I lose said blog for the third (?) time. (RIP to the GOAT, the Observation. #GoneButNotForgotten)


Seriously, thanks for the support.

As for this week in reading, my mental health is playing silly buggers again. April is always a killer month for me. I'm trying to tie up loose ends and I keep getting tangled up in them plus family stuff. I also did a pseudo-press release for the Saudade book cover and doing more with the CMR team since the Kickstarter starts in less than a week(!!).

That said, I'm listening to snippets of The Alchemist's Daughter whenever my brain rot lets me. 

Anyway, happy anniversary gang. Thanks for your support, you're all (Well, mostly) awesome. 

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