Tuesday, May 9, 2023

WednesdayBookClub, A Melting Book Club: 5/10/23

Welcome to WednesdayBookClub, everyone. Last week, I was all out of spoons so Bri took over for me. Am I back to full HP? LOL, Never, it got up to 90 degrees yesterday and I hate everything already. But we're moving so that's good! 

First off, time to shill.  THE KICKSTARTER FOR SAUDADE HAS LAUNCHED!! We're over halfway there but we haven't had any backers in a minute and I'm a panicky person. We have great rewards, including artwork from Lane Llyoyd and Mike Hawthorne. Even if you can't back it, if you could share it on social to get more eyeballs on it? Please and thank you.

Also, here's an interview I did with two of the editors Duke and Nikoda. You get to hear us dunk on Indiana and us giggling.

Second, onwards to books! Due to lack of spoons, I haven't read anything. I listened to the first chapter of Zara Keane's Dial P For Poison but haven't returned to The Alchemist's Daughter. It's a slow-burn book and due to how awful last month was, I haven't been in the mindset for a slow-burn. I'm also not sure if it's for me? I think I'm gonna give it another hour's reading time and see. 

That said, my not-reading has continued to not affect my requesting books on NetGalley. Shut up, my mental health is melting in the heat. Let me hoard books like a dragon, okay?

Well, that's me. What have you all been reading this week, friends?

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WednesdayBookClub: 03/05/25 Recovering

 Hello and welcome back to our regularly scheduled book club! No post last week because I had a gnarly sinus infection (I didn't have co...