Tuesday, May 16, 2023

WednesdayBookClub: 05/17/23

Welcome to another WednesdayBookClub, everyone. My AC is up and running and my mental health is better this week! 

This week, I finished the audiobook of Dial P For Poison by Zara Keane. I can't honestly recommend this one, y'all. It's not bad persay but I couldn't get attached to the main character or anything in the story. I got halfway before I skipped to the last chapter. Even the ending was lackluster (And not just because I lacked the context for the resolution) and then it ends on a winking "The Story Willl Continue" and nah.

I jumped from that and started the audiobook for Gloves Off by Louisa Reid. It's about a bullied fat girl who gets into boxing and um, oof. It's written in verse and Reid does a great job of using the prose to build the world and just nail exactly the character's emotions and it's triggering, y'all. I'm not kidding. Bullying, fatphobia, every type of abuse, plus we shift from Lily (Our MC) POV to her mother, who is obese and agoraphobic AND has her trauma as well.

I'm in awe of how skillful Reid is at using sparse but effective language to make you feel everything,. That said, it's a hard read. It feels almost stream of consciousness so you really do feel what Lily and Bernadette feel and I had to pause a few times because it just wasn't fair. I wrote my full review on GoodReads with full trigger warnings if you're curious. Also, here's some of my thoughts as I was reading it 

I'll likely start one of my ARCs to balance this all out because I need some brevity. NetGalley approved me for West Heart Kill, The Improbable Tales of Baskerville Hall 1 and the audiobook for A Novel Disguise, 

What about you all? Anything good?

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WednesdayBookClub: 03/05/25 Recovering

 Hello and welcome back to our regularly scheduled book club! No post last week because I had a gnarly sinus infection (I didn't have co...