Tuesday, February 20, 2024

WednesdayBookClub: 2/21/23

Welcome to another WednesdayBookClub! Spring is around the corner in my neck of the woods, which means a ton of my friends have colds/sinus problems/Some sort of crud. Mask up, there are shooters out there, gang.

This week, I've finished Andrea Vernon and the Super Industrial Complex. This one is more political than the last one which the villain openly uses government policies to take over....And it's only like 45% illegal because CUP (aka, our team) kinda laid down the path for them. It's an interesting read considering what's going on in American politics ATM. Not so much that it drags you down but enough where you do look at CUP and go "Nah, they have a point. The whole system is borked". Excited about the finale book because this one ended on a cliffhanger.

I also read Artificial Conditions (AKA Murderbot 2) and enjoyed it. Admittedly, I always get nervous reading these books so far for some reason. Then I read them and while things do get tense or dark, the tone still stays pretty light. I guess it's the melancholy of Murderbot itself. It's just a lonely being and I want the best for it.

That said, I love the idea of this series being like a "Murderbot reluctantly meets and helps out this group of humans while on the path of self-discovery". Not sure if it's what the series will be but excited to see!

Not entirely sure what I will read next. I should read the arc but I also want something to listen to as I knit. Although the F1 season is about to start so not sure how much I'll actually be reading anyway so *Shrugs*

What about you all? Anything good?

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WednesdayBookClub: 03/05/25 Recovering

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