Tuesday, March 26, 2024

WednesdayBookClub 3/27/24

Hello all and welcome to another WednesdayBookClub! I hope all of you have had a productive book reading week. I have not but I had good fun with friends and have touched much grass! 

Let's get started

So this week, I had a religous event so in between panicking about getting ready for that and the latest podcast episode, I haven't read much. That said, now that my schedule has freed up, I'm gonna try to see if my brain willl let me read with my eyeballs again. I also picked up the last Andrea Vernon book on Audible so I'm very excited about it!

Also, happy book release day to How To Solve Your Own Murder by Kristen Perrin. I wrote the review a few months ago so here you go if you're curious.

Now onto you all. What have you read this week? 

1 comment:

  1. Got a little more of Behind the Seams read, started and finished The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea by Axie Oh, and started and finished The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis.
    I'm struggling with Behind the Seams. Not because of content, but because it's like 5lbs, and 20 inches across. I can't carry it anywhere just read it at home. So I went ahead and got some audiobooks. TGWFBTS is a retelling of Korean folklore. It's beautiful, emotional, and wonderfully balanced as a story. I look forward to reading more by Axie Oh. Lewis is a comfort read as always, but of all the Narnia books, this one has the most issues. Thankfully they're primarily in the middle. His dark materials will probably be my next comfort read. Because.


WednesdayBookClub: 03/05/25 Recovering

 Hello and welcome back to our regularly scheduled book club! No post last week because I had a gnarly sinus infection (I didn't have co...