Tuesday, April 2, 2024

WednesdayBookClub: Progress Ahead?

 Hello all and welcome to another book club! I hope you all are doing okay in your corners of the world. I'm currently writing this with my great nephew  trying to eat one of his blankets. (BTWS, Niece's son, not my superlative nephew. Although he is adorbs)

Anyway, let's start book club!

So I'm still in my arc. I have made some progress (A whole 5%!) and alas, I must confess.....I don't think I'm feeling it. Yes, you read it correctly, dear reader. I've worn myself into a tizzy about how my excutive dysfunction coming for my reading only for me to remember that not liking the book is very likely.

I don't have much to go off so I'm gonna push myself to about 20% or until I pin down what I don't like, whichever comes first. Also, I fear we have a book blitz coming up soon. I feel it in the wind

Anyway, what about you all? Anything good?


  1. This week I (finally) finished Behind the Seams by Dolly Parton, The Surviving Sky by Kritika H. Roa, The Best-Ever Cosplay of Whistle and Midnight by Annalee Newitz, and Have You Eaten? Part 1: Daneka's Birthday by Sarah Gailey.
    I enjoyed all of Dolly's clothing archive. Though I think the second half did have a bit more technical details. I find it interesting how certain individuals she has continued working with- from almost the beginning of her career to the culmination of said career. Specialists who, when she started working with them, were big names in their own right, but now pale in comparison to hers. But she continues her patronage of their craft because of the decades of trust in their ability. At various points in her career big name designers worked with her because of her name and a desire to work with her. But in the last few decades, she lifted up young people from various places in her organization and gave them the means they needed to get the higher education they wanted. And they came back to her armed with the best fashion education one could pay for. The woman practically grew her own personal designers from the background dancers in her shows. So many of her endeavors can be described as her planting a community garden for herself and others to enjoy. And she is reaping a mighty harvest.
    I tremble to think what will happen when she is no longer here to sow seeds.
    I didn't think I would be so moved by a pretty picture book of clothes, and yet.
    Imma need to have an emotion in private before I move on to my other reads.

    1. On a lark, I decided to try a random book I found in libby.
      The Surviving Sky is about a civilization that lives in flying cities, a ruling class oppressing those who cannot manipulate plants with magic, and the answers hidden in the jungle below. But it's also about a couple whose marriage is on the rocks. At first, they're all TAH. The wife is desperately, recklessly endangering the lives of everyone for the chance to prove she is as worthy as her husband. The husband is a classic case of power corrupting. He was gonna change things from the inside. Really! Except he wasn't even aware of the extent of the oppression until ¾ of the way into the book. Multiple people are driven mad, but it's not what you think. It's part of a series, which the next hasn't come out yet. There are some things I wished the first book had done. And there's a small chance that the next book will handle it, but I doubt it. Which is a lost opportunity.
      The Best-Ever Cosplay of Whistle and Midnight answered some questions I didn't even consider about The Terraformers. It feels like fanfic, in that it takes joy revelling in certain aspects of the story. But it comes from the power on high. It is canon. Which makes it all the more wondrous.
      Have You Eaten? Is one I feel would appeal to twinja in general. CW it takes place in a reality where people can be arrested for gender impersonation, or worse. It's about a community of squatters banding together to care for each other. I've only read the first part. I'm let y'all know about the final 3 next week.


WednesdayBookClub: 03/05/25 Recovering

 Hello and welcome back to our regularly scheduled book club! No post last week because I had a gnarly sinus infection (I didn't have co...