Tuesday, November 5, 2024

WednesdayBookClub: A Peaceful Book Club 11/6/24

So fun fact, I typically write these on Tuesday night because sometimes I'm busy on Wednesday morning or just forget and usually that's not a problem. And I struggled with whether to do book club today because *Hands waves*. I don't really have any of my archives from the last election and debated on not doing it. I decided to go for it because 1. Routines are good, 2. Not all of you are in the States and 3. it just felt right. 

Honestly, I'm tired so let's make this short and sweet so we can all get off the internet. Cool? Cool

So this week, I've been listening to the 5th (?) Amelia Peabody book, Deeds of the Disturber. This one is interesting because it's taking place in English whereas the other books largely take place in Egypt. We also have Ramses interacting with children (Cousins on Amelia's side unfortunately). I'm very frustated for my boy but I do love the glimpses I'm seeing of what Ramses is gonna be when he gets older. I mean, he's gonna be just like his mother (Much to Emerson's delight and Amelia's annoyance) but I'm curious about how much of his father he'll be.

I'll likely get started on the ARCs as I'm largely keeping off on the internet ATM (Both Tuesday night and most of Wednesday). 

What about you? Did you read anything good this week? And be sure to get in some more self care! I'm sure you're exhausted right now. 

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WednesdayBookClub: 03/05/25 Recovering

 Hello and welcome back to our regularly scheduled book club! No post last week because I had a gnarly sinus infection (I didn't have co...