Tuesday, June 27, 2023

WednesdayBookClub: 6/28/23

Welcome to another book club, gang. We're halfway through the year! And boy....What a year that's been....*Thousand-yard stare* So long.....

ANYWAY!! Let's talk about books

This week, I'm borderline DNF-ing of the books I have to review. I might give it another few pages but so far, it feels to "Oh, aren't I clever?" for my taste. I also gave up on the Eternals a few pages in because I don't think I care about this team. Maybe I need to try Kirby's OG run for it to totally strike out for me.

I'm only a few pages into A Botanist's Guide to Flowers and Fatality but nothing to really report home about.

As for my reading goals for the year, I've actually extended it to 16 and at 12 already. I'm pacing myself this year for reasons I'm not even really sure of? I just know I need to.

What about you all? How's your reading been this week and hare you on pace for your reading goal for this year?

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