Tuesday, August 15, 2023

WednesdayBookClub: 8/16/23

Another week, another book club, gang! I hope you all haven't melted from the heat this week. 

Last week was a rough one for me. My period pretty much compelled me to do all of the cleaning and I was also working on my resume (Which I finished!!). That said, I have made some headway with reading.

I finished Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone. I really liked it and it does stick the landing. I wouldn't go as far as comparing it to Knives Out but it definitely is a mystery book by someone who loves mysteries. I like how Stevenson presented some pretty complex family issues and handled it respectfully. Yes, their actions were wrong but it doesn't bash the person over the head with it, you know? Also, if you're pro-cop, this isn't the book for you, LOL.

I'm about 15 percent into The Blonde Identity by Ally Carter. I know she's a huge fan of Romancing the Stone and I think a rewatch is in order because I can tell it was an inspiration.

I'm unsure if I'll continue with The Spare Man and Bringing Down the Duke as my KU is calling me. 

What about you all? Anything good?

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