Tuesday, September 12, 2023

WednesdayBookClub: 09/13/23

Welcome to another book club, y'all!! Brief announcement! So the grand Overlord Elon announced that he's gonna be using Twitter to train AI and collecting users' biometrics starting around 9/29/23 and I'm done. I'm not sure exactly where I'm doing this next, likely BlueSky. Here's the obligatory LinkTree once again.

I'm also debating on doing more stuff on Ko-Fi too but I'm not sure. Anyway, here's book club.

So this week, my executive function has been kaput so I listened to The Blonde Identity on audiobook and LOVED IT. Carter is a comfort-read writer and I love how her FMC are just sweet, girly and soft but that doesn't mean that they're not capable of kicking butt. The FMC in this book especially gave me Sarah Michelle Gellar in Buffy vibes (Especially the narrator) which made me love her even more. Highly recommend if that's your thing or you want more romcoms like Romancing the Stone or The Mummy. Yes, I'm counting The Mummy as a romcom and I'm absolutely right to do so.

Next up, I also have To Have and To Hoax by Martha Waters (Which I'm really hoping is gonna be The Awful Truth but Regency!) and Bringing Down the Duke, both on Audiobook. I'm also still reading Andrea Vernon but the aforementioned executive function is making this a slow read. I might hop on Audible for 5 minutes to get the audiobook for that as well. 

Well, that's me for the week? What about you all?

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WednesdayBookClub: 03/05/25 Recovering

 Hello and welcome back to our regularly scheduled book club! No post last week because I had a gnarly sinus infection (I didn't have co...