Tuesday, September 26, 2023

WednesdayBookClub: 9/27/23 New Era?

Welcome to another WednesdayBookClub, gang! Just a head's up, Twitter's new policy goes down 9/29. Here's an article that goes over some of the new policies if you're curious.  I'm not sure if I'll fully deactive my account or scrub most of it so The Overlords get minimal stuff for me. I'm still making the move to Blue Sky so if you need a code, let me know. I have a bunch

Now with that out of the way, TO BOOK CLUB!! 

I tried to read this week. Truly, I did.

But unfortunately, my audiobook switched to the MMC's POV chapter and thus it changed narrators and um, he sounds like a total fop, y'all. I can't even describe it any other way. The narrator sounds like a posh git and I keep expecting him to drop an "'Od's fish, my boy" and I couldn't continue. For an audio example (That isn't the actual audiobook. 

Not even joking. So I've been focusing on editing the Pollyanna Rant (I'M 1/3 WAY DONE!!) and job hunting.

Still haven't stopped me from requesting books from NetGalley......Stop judging

So what about you all? Anything good? Also, anyone else on BlueSky?

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WednesdayBookClub: 03/05/25 Recovering

 Hello and welcome back to our regularly scheduled book club! No post last week because I had a gnarly sinus infection (I didn't have co...