Tuesday, October 31, 2023

WednesdayBookClub 11/01/23

HAPPY FIRST DAY OF NANOWRIMO!! I'm absolutely not doing this year but after 3 NaNoWriMos, I just associate this month with anxious, furious writing so that's what I'm calling it. 

If you don't know what NaNoWriMo is, it's people trying to write a 50K book in 30 days. It IS doable but um, I can't speak for how easy/fun it will be. 

Anyway, book time!!

I finished The Day That Never Comes and I love it. The interesting thing about these books is that it focus on world-building and characters so while I am curious about the murders and who's behind everything, I'm just rolling with the cast. I'm more curious about the mystery of how Bunny found Maggie the German Shepard than I am about the murderer.

Not a fan of all of the fat jokes but fortunately I (Personally) am not put off by them. I'm excited to continue with the series.

Nothing to write home about with the other books yet. Maybe next week.

What about you all? Anything good?

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