Welcome! My name is GJ and this is my blog! This is just a quick intro/ history of for any newcomers
Welcome! My name is GJ and this is my blog! This is just a quick intro/ history of for any newcomers
Hey, gang! Book club was late today because I was too tired Tuesday night to write it and this morning, I was woken up by my incredibly loud great nephew.....Who I then played with because he's very adorable.
So let's get started, shall we?
Hello, all and welcome to WednesdayBookClub, everyone! Not gonna lie, I'm having a rough week. My seasonal depression has fully reared its ugly head the same week as my country's Independence Day which means everyone is being noisy and HAHAHA, I HATE EVERYTHING! Also, something broke my bedroom window last night and nearly caused a meltdown.
Still, I persist because there are books to be read. Let's get started
HAHA, I haven't read anything. I'm in full blanket burrito mode. I should be better next week though. I'm making baby steps.
What about you all? Anything good?
Hello and welcome back to our regularly scheduled book club! No post last week because I had a gnarly sinus infection (I didn't have co...