Wednesday, July 10, 2024

WednesdayBookClub: A Weird Book Club 7/10/24

*Walks in with a cup of coffee* I ain't read anything BUT I'm still gonna talk about blather so if that's what you were looking for, you're good

*Slurps coffee* Let's talk, shall we?

So this week July 4th weekend, which in America means "Fireworks times!". While thankfully my neighborhood is old and they weren't going for too long, they were still going and I react badly to fireworks like this. Put on top of that my seasonal depression, some putz breaking my bedroom window TWICE in the same week (And possibly dying that Saturday??? It's been a weird week, yall) and my period and you have yourself a reciepe for a meltdown

I'm so tired and cranky, yall. I feel like I'll be fine once I get to my feet but it's not happening. Yes, I acknowledge that I've been through a lot (SO MUCH) in the past 2 months but yall, a homie needs a break and a break isn't happening. Plus, I feel so bad for not reading my ARCs and UGH, I'M SO TIRED OF THIS SAME OF CRAP, DIFFERENT BOWL LIFE!!

Now, I just typed all of that and thought "Wait, this sounds like I'm stopping book club" and nah. I've revived this thing too many times by now and if I can do this while working AND doing NaNo, I can do it whenever.

I just needed to get this out to better....I don't know, Think? Move forward? Give myself permission to collapse? Time to reevaluate some things? Not sure but I am taking this week to chill cuz I need it.

So what about you all? Anything good to read? Any meltdowns you wanna talk about?  Imma go play with my great-nephew.

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WednesdayBookClub: 03/05/25 Recovering

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