Tuesday, February 18, 2025

WednesdayBookClub: SNOW DAY!! AGAIN!!

Hello and welcome to WednesdayBookClub, everyone! I hope you didn't have too much fun without me. Snuggle in with me for what I think will be the last snow day in my neck of the woods

Last week was the anniversary of my dad's death and I just wanted to give myself the space I needed to grieve. We didn't really do anything but he wouldn't have wanted us to. 

Okay, enough sentimentality, BOOK TIME!!

I'm reading (!) Fantastic Four and the first appearance of the Silver Surfer and Galactus. I don't really know much about any of these characters beyond pop culture osmosis so I'm curious.

I'm also finally reading My Big Fat Fake Wedding by Charlotte Stein. I'm only 3% in but having fun with it. 

What about you all? Anything good?

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WednesdayBookClub: 03/05/25 Recovering

 Hello and welcome back to our regularly scheduled book club! No post last week because I had a gnarly sinus infection (I didn't have co...