Tuesday, May 28, 2024

WednesdayBookClub: 5/29/24

Welcome to WednesdayBookClub, everyone! So for those who missed it (Or for anyone who might be reading the backlog of these), last week, I had a mini sinus infection thingy? My sinuses decided to make like Niagara Falls and I was too exhausted to do book club last week

But I'm mostly recovered and ready to rock! Let's get started

So this week, I was too sick to focus on anything and then when I could, I tried to catch up on work I missed out on. I'm actually still catching up on life stuff. And yes, I *am* starting to feel guilty about not reading my arc, thank you for asking.

What about you all? Anything good this week?

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

WednesdayBookClub 5/15/24: Editing Mode

 Hello, all and welcome to another WednesdayBookClub! I hope everyone is having a good week despite *Handwaves* and the weather! It's getting hot but it's still raining buckets just to remind everyone that it's still spring.

Welp, let's talk books!

I ain't read nothing. I've been editing the podcast episode on While You Were Sleeping (HALFWAY DONE!) and later this week, I gotta edit the transcript for the Black Annabeth episode (Technically, it's about the show but c'mon. It's about Annabeth) so I'm gonna try to focus up and actively snatch up time to ready.

What about you all? Anything good?

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

WednesdayBookClub:Out Pokemon Hunting

Hello and welcome to WednesdayBookClub!! I hope everyone's had a calm week this past week. I had a rough mental health day yesterday so I'm about to go Pokemon hunting (And I guess go outside for a stupid mental health walk). 

Let's get started!!

So this week, the books I put on hold seem to be coming in so now I got Pride and Premeditation (Contemporary P&P murder mystery) because my brain is fixated on Jane Austen and murder, it seems. I also got Mr. Malcolm's List. Looking forward to those.

What about you all? Anything good? And did you pick up anything from Free Comic Book Day?

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

WednesdayBookClub: Free Comic Book Day Is Coming!

Hello and welcome to book club, everyone! Just a friendly reminder that this upcoming Saturday is Free Comic Book Day in the US. Once again, if possible, be sure to support your local shops. Buy something, give them a follow on social media, give them a shout out, etc!

Now that I've plugged that, on to book club!!

WednesdayBookClub: 03/05/25 Recovering

 Hello and welcome back to our regularly scheduled book club! No post last week because I had a gnarly sinus infection (I didn't have co...