*Originally posted on 6/17/20 on Observationdeck.kinja.com
Hello and welcome to WednesdayBookClub, everyone! I’m your host, Geesejuggler and wow, I have a lot of things I have to do this week so let’s go!!
*Originally posted on 6/17/20 on Observationdeck.kinja.com
Hello and welcome to WednesdayBookClub, everyone! I’m your host, Geesejuggler and wow, I have a lot of things I have to do this week so let’s go!!
*Originally posted on 6/24/20 on Observationdeck.kinja.com
Hello, everyone and welcome to WednesdayBookClub. My name is Geesejuggler and this week, in the continuing saga of me getting my life together, I’m trying to properly schedule my life. Surprisingly, I have quite a bit on my plate in the upcoming weeks so here’s hoping it works! But enough about me, let’s get to the book club.
*Originally posted on 7/01/20 on Observationdeck.kinja.com
Hello and welcome to WednesdayBookClub! My name is Geesejuggler and I chose the title mostly because I was literally scratching my head as I opened the page and went with it. Seemed fitting though. Let’s get started!!
*Originally posted on 7/15/20 on Observationdeck.kinja.com
Hello and welcome to WednesdayBookClub, everyone! My name is Geesejuggler and UGH, I HATE SUMMER. I’M SO SWEATY AND I’M DOING SO MUCH LAUNDRY! Let’s make this a fast book club, y’all. It’s too hot and humid for all that.
*Originally posted 7/22/20 on Observationdeck.kinja.com
Hello, all and welcome to WednesdayBookClub. My name is Geesejuggler and I have to write all of the things this week. This is unfortunate because I haven’t felt like writing for the past 2 weeks but it must be done. Blugh. But that’s enough about me. Let’s get started.
*Originally posted 7/29/20 ObservationDeck.kinja.com
Hello, all and welcome to WednesdayBookClub, everyone! I’m not even posting a picture, I’m just using this song because IT’S TOO DANG HOT!! I hate summer! Yes, I know that this song isn’t about the heat but I don’t care. Let’s get started on book club.
*Originally posted 8/12/20 observationdeck.kinja.com
Hello and welcome to WednesdayBookClub!! My name is Geesejuggler and I have 6 books left on my book reading goal!! I’ve made a deal with a friend that I can read something not on my TBR if I finish it before October 5, which puts me at a book a week. Not sure if I can make it but I’m gonna go for it! But enough about me, let’s talk books!!
*Originally posted 08/19/20 on observationdeck.kinja.com
Hello, everyone! Welcome to WednesdayBookClub and the reason behind the curious title is that it just fits a lot of things I’m feeling right now, both positive and negative. Friends, opportunity, the future. It’s just closer than we think or feel it is. Also, it’s because of my book goals too. Let’s get started!
*Originally posted 8/26/20 on Observationdeck.kinja.com
Hello and welcome to WednesdayBookClub. My name is Geesejuggler and wow, it sure would be nice if some of that water from the hurricane and storms would just...Make its way to California. Just a little? As a treat? Still, please make sure you all are staying safe, however you can, where you are. Now that we’ve said that, let’s get started on Book Club.
*Originally posted on 9/02/20
Hello and welcome to WednesdayBookClub. My name is Geesejuggler and this week and I am wrangling with a lot of first world problems. For example, do you know how hard it is to figure out a decent pen name that has’t already been chosen? It’s insane. But enough about me, let’s talk about books.
*Originally 9/09/20 on Observationdeck.kinja.com
Hello and welcome to WednesdayBookClub, everyone! My name is Geesejuggler and I don’t know about you but “Wait, what?” has been my general reaction to things this week. I recently upgrade my phone and I’m just confused at everything plus *General handwaves*. But it’s also my reaction to what I’m currently reading. Let’s get started on book club.
*Originally posted 9/16/20 on Observationdeck.kinja.com
Hello, and welcome to WednesdayBookClub, everyone. My name is Geesejuggler and I’m super tired ATM. I need coffee. Um, something something clever, time for books!!
*Originally 9/30/20 on Observationdeck.kinja.com
Hello all and welcome to WednesdayBookClub! My name is Geesejuggler and tis the week of home renovations! Mom wants the house done before it gets too cold (She gets seasonal depression during the winter) so we’re making our big push now. But enough about me, let’s get started.
*Originally posted on 10/07/20
Hello, all, and welcome to WednesdayBookClub. Boy, what a week, huh?! Nonetheless, this is Book Club time and we’re gonna focus on that.
*Originally post 10/14/20
Hello all, and welcome to WednesdayBookClub! My name is Geesejuggler and I’ve gotten a whopping 2 nights of above-average quality sleep! Who knew that could happen?! I feel energized and just more focused, so focused, in fact, I remember to write this on Tuesday night. Let’s get started!
*Originally posted 10/21/20 on Observationdeck.kinja.com
Hello, all and welcome to WednesdayBookClub, everyone! This week has been an eventful one with some new things opening up. But before we get into that, Let’s do Book Club
Hello and welcome back to our regularly scheduled book club! No post last week because I had a gnarly sinus infection (I didn't have co...